A political campaign slogan is a short phrase that best identifies a candidate and their candidacy. It should capture a voter’s attention and address their concerns and issues. Campaign slogans should also be memorable and concise.
The best slogans in politics are both positive and suggest action. They should be easy for voters to remember, emphasize a message, and connect on an emotional level.
Easy to do, right?
It doesn’t matter if you are running for mayor, sheriff, school board, city council, county, town, state legislature, or even Congress. The slogan you choose should represent the essence of your message to voters.
But which one is right for you? Here are over 100 examples to inspire anyone starting a run for office.
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Campaign slogan ideas for mayor and city council candidates
These popular slogans work for all types of elections. Many of them deal with promising results, improving the future, or making change. The examples listed below work well for local elections that involve a mayor, town board, county official, alderman, and city council races. They are also suitable for state representative candidates, governors, and even federal election campaigns for the US Senate and House of Representatives.
- [Name] for reform. [Name] for action.
- A Voice for You
- It’s Time for a Change
- Let’s Make a Difference!
- Vote [Name] for Change
- Working for YOU!
- Voting for a Brighter Tomorrow
- Promises made, promises kept.
- Integrity. Honesty. Commitment. [Any combination]
- Strength and Experience.
- Taking Action, Getting Results.
- For a Better [town/city/village]
- Make Your Voice Heard
- A Voice for [Smart Growth/Lower Taxes/Etc.]
- Had Enough? [I Have.]
- Proven [Leadership/Tax Cutter]
- Make the City Work for People Again
- Cleaning up [Location]
- A Real Choice for [Location]
- Vote for [Leadership]. Vote for [Change].
- The Choice is Clear.
- A Record of Accomplishment
- Independent Leadership
- Fighting for [Location]’s families
- For Effective Government
- Working harder for [Location]
- A Fresh Voice
- A Candidate For The People
- Government with Integrity
- Leadership for [Location]
- Vote [name] for Results and Accountability
- Dedicated, Proven Leadership
- The Change We Need
- Experience and Integrity. Vote for Me.
- Rebuild and Restore our Community
- Your Voice for Positive Change.
- Protecting Your Tax Dollars
- Right Time, Right Choice.
- New Leadership for a Better [Location]
- Leadership Through Innovation
- Vote for a Better Tomorrow
- Standing Up For What’s Right
- A Qualified Voice For [Location]
- [Name] for [Position] … for [Location]’s future.
- A Common-Sense Leader to Change [Location]
- Working Together, For Change
- Your Vote is Your Voice
- Keep the Progress Moving
Punctuation can change the meaning of text. There’s a big difference between using an exclamation point and a question mark (Like Jeb!). You can use a period to emphasize the statement. For social media, a slogan should be hashtag-friendly. Tools like alliteration or rhyme are often used to help them stick in the public’s memory.
In fact, some politicians really have a tough time choosing one.

Your slogan should be displayed on promotional brochures and signs.
Sheriff Slogans – Strength and Character
- Honesty, Integrity and Character
- Your Safety First
- Law Enforcement You Can Trust
- Community Changes Everything
- The New Sheriff In Town
- New Leadership For A Safe [Location]
- Qualified and Experienced
- Protecting the Public
- Safety, Service, and Security
- Bringing Accountability Back to the Badge
- Your Voice, Your Sheriff
- Policing with Heart and Honor
- Putting Citizens Before Politics
- More sheriff slogans.
Sheriff elections typically rely on reminding voters of their strength or personal character. They often reference community and are often used as taglines for yard signs and logos. Some of these examples can also be used for district attorney candidates.
Judicial Candidate Slogans – Experience and Integrity
Candidates for judge typically create slogans that emphasize their judicial temperament and personal integrity. (The same goes for district attorney candidates.) These races tend to be non-partisan, which is why a slogan for a judicial candidate tends to be more personal in nature. Judges don’t run on specific policies when reaching out to voters; that’s what the politicians do.
- Justice for YOU
- Integrity. Honesty. Commitment.
- Experience Counts
- Dedicated to Justice
- Hardworking, Experienced, Fair
- Justice for YOU
- Experience We Need
- Proven Experience and Integrity
- Integrity for the Bench
- More judicial slogan ideas.
Slogans for School Board Races – What’s the Issue?
A school board election slogan usually involve a current issue effecting the district or the local board of education. In the end, it’s all about the children.
- Better Schools For A Better Tomorrow
- Working for a Better Classroom
- Academic Excellence Today
- Putting Students First
- For a Better Future
- Make our Schools Great
- Better Schools, Better Children
- Education and Progress
- Building a Brighter Educational Future
- Empowering the Next Generation
- More school board slogans.
Is Being Funny Worth the Risk?
Funny or humorous messaging will often get attention in politics. However, while humor can grab attention, be careful. This tactic can backfire if it’s perceived as tone-deaf or insensitive, You run the risk of voters not taking you seriously. It’s also possible that some people will take a joke the wrong way and be insulted by your attempt at humor.
- Don’t pick your nose, pick [Name]
- With great power comes great responsibility (from Spider-Man)
- If you must waste your vote, waste it on me
- I think, therefore I am voting for [Name]
- Be a pal, vote for this gal
- I’ll do my best, but I can’t promise anything
- In this election … You can’t do worse
- You’ve tried the rest, now choose the best
Here are some more funny examples.
How to Come up with a Great Slogan
Political slogans that are short and memorable work best. Forget weak and passive phrasing. Start by answering a few questions:
- What is your motivation for running for office?
- Do you have a core value or issue you are trying to impress on voters?
- Is there something specific that you want voters to know?
- What is important to your community?
- Does your messaging relate to you being a Democrat, a Republican, or running on a third-party ticket?
If you are going to recycle a tagline from another candidate, you will, by association, take on the good and bad of that previous use. You might want to do a little research first.
There have been instances where a candidate has taken a political opponent’s message. In one race, the same tagline was used on promotional material by two candidates in a judicial primary. There were allegations of voter confusion, defamation, and theft. Considering how much of a distraction plagiarism can become, it’s best not to swipe material. And you should never adopt the messaging of your opposition. Nor should you use copyrighted material (visual or text). That will get you in trouble.
Changing a slogan during a campaign
Altering your brand identity, such as your slogan, while campaigning can cause confusion among your supporters and voters. It raises the risk that you will be perceived as inconsistent. On top of that, you’ll have to update all of your advertising, brochures, signs and print materials.
If you need to make a change in your messaging, do it as early as possible.
Found the right slogan? Great! Now use it on all of your election campaign materials, from signs to mailers to your campaign website. It should remain consistent and endure throughout the season, right through Election Day.
Related: Political Slogan Generator
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